Thursday, May 26, 2011

Leaving London

So 3 nights, 2 hostels, and 2 presidential motorcaids later it is time to leave London and the UK. We probably have been walking about 10-15 miles each day and we can feel our legs getting stronger, I am sure by we get back I could enter an international walk a thon and my strongest opponent would be Sam.

Sam and I spent about two hours on the computer the other night trying to find a tour that we could go up to Windsor Castle and StoneHenge, since we could not find any thing for us we decided to hit a local pub, where the beer was amazing. Success number 1, beer over here is so good. After a few cocktails we made it back to the hostel for some shut eye.

Day 3 in London we causualy made our way down to Buckinham Palace, much like the previous 2 days for the changing of the Gaurd. Going down we both thought this is going to be a very cool english tradition. The music played how ever was Frank Sinatra, and New York, New York was played by the English Army Band. New York , New York.....I thought we were in London? After our taste of good ol Frank, we made our way outside central London to a place called Camden where there were several markets and every single type of food in the world. After sitting along the canal with a Kebob, we went to run through platform 9 3/4 and failed to make it to Hogwarts.

Now after we finally got a taste of a London rain storm we are off to Normandy on the overnight ferry, and then on to Paris tomorrow afternoon.


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